Monday, December 6, 2010

The Scary Stuff

I thought writing the book was the scary part. Then it was the submission process. Even though I'm published, I'm still beating the bushes for an agent. The last three books I've submitted have netted about 150 rejections so far. Does that make me want to stop, give up, and curl myself into a fetal position under my desk? Hell, no! My agent is out there, waiting, but she or he doesn't know it yet.
That's only the beginning of the scary stuff.
The next item on my list is marketing. No one really explained the whole concept of getting your name out there. Every time I see a blogger begging to interview a new author, I jump on it. I can't really say I'm struggling alone in this. There are several gracious women I can go to for help if I get to the point of tearing my hair out. Shannon K. Butcher, my former critique partner, is always there to answer my questions, as is Claire Ashgrove, Alicia Dean, and a other published authors in my local RWA chapter. Word to the newbies out there--bookmarks are a great tool to have. Keep them in your purse to pass out. You never know when you might hit the reader jackpot.
Now on to the next scary thing. Reviews. The Wild Rose Press does a great job of sending books out to different reviewers. I can't believe how afraid I was of reading that first review. Four out of five stars excited me so much that I had tears in my eyes. The next review didn't get any easier to read, a 4.5 out of five. My last review had my hands shaking as I opened the site--a five out of five. Granted, this was only three reviewers but they've been consistent in their praise, and I'm over the moon. The next reviewer might say it sucks. You can't please everyone. I can live with that.
Yesterday a friend gave me two books to autograph. Now that's a thrill I never thought would happen. That made everything tangible and over the top real.
So I guess what I'm trying to say in my ramblings is to keep trying for your dreams. Not everyone will agree with you, you may hit a few stumbling blocks, but don't let them slow you down.
The scary stuff helps you grow as an author and than you find out it's not so scary after-all.

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Here! It's Here!

No, I'm not announcing the birth of a grand-baby, although that would be wonderful. My book, A Perfect Bride for Christmas, was released November 12th. It might as well have been a birth because I was in labor for a long time, but the finished product was worth every little bit of effort.

The best thing I've discovered is that my work has merit . I've received two wonderful reviews so far. The Romance Reviews gave it a four out of five stars and the Long and Short of It Reviews gave it five out of five. Not too bad for my first step into the world of being a published author.
The business end of writing is a revelation as well. Promotion, working on different marketing strategies, not to mention, I'm writing a paranormal, and getting it ready for submissions. Now I know how a juggler really feels.

This blog is a lot shorter than usual, but I'm up to my eyeballs in interviews and doing NaNoWriMo. I'm so behind my all NaNo writing buddies. Don't worry, I'll keep plugging away until the end of the month. No excuses allowed. Here's a question. Why can't the organizers of NaNoWriMo do it in January when nothing happens? Okay, New Year's Day, but it's only one day out of the entire month.
The rant is over and now, it's off to work.
I hope everyone takes the time to go to my website and check out A Perfect Bride for Christmas. It's available at The Wild Rose Press,, and my husband informs me he saw it on Barnes & Noble's website. I loved writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Look at Me!
I'm blogging on Dreamweavers! This blog was created by my critique partners and myself to give the reader a look inside world ofwriting. Romance, paranormal, fantasy, science fiction, mainstream-- we do it all. Drop by and check us out. Learn about the writing process from those who are published, working to become published. Our contributors are e-published, those with agents and the rest of us on the hunt for the elusive creatures. Agents, we know you're out there. Dreamweavers is on the move and searching for you.
Learn as we learn the wild, rocky and yet surprising road to fulfilling our dreams-- one story at a time.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth. No, it's been an incredibly busy few months. My first book is coming out November 12th and it's still hard to believe. Check out the Wild Rose or for A Perfect Bride for Christmas.
The experience of writing this book was exciting and scary at the same time. Two other authors approached me with an idea for a Christmas series. We decided on three brothers, the Kings, who really aren't wise in the ways of love. It was up to us to teach them a bit of wisdom.
My book deals with what is on the outside isn't always an indication of what's on the inside. Real love comes from within.
Zoe Hillman hates herself for making the same mistake as the heroines in the romance novels she devours. She's overweight, plain, and has the fashion sense of a slug. Why would Alex King,her boss and best friend, ever see her as the woman who loves him with all her heart.
The perfect wife will launch Alex King to junior partner in his law firm. He thinks he's found her until he's jilted at the alter. A drunken bet with his best man lands him in hot water when he wakes up the next morning married to Zoe. So begins the shortest marriage in Vegas.
Five years later, Alex decides to take the plunge again. This time he's sure he's chosen the perfect bride-- until Zoe reenters the picture with a new look and a set of triplets in tow.
Claire Ashgrove and Alicia Dean were jewels to work with on this project. It was amazing to watch the three books, each as different as could be, come together. The internet is a wonderful tool that we used to the max.
Please check out A Christmas to believe in by Claire Ashgrove and A Knight Before Christmas by Alicia Dean.